Conventional science believes that the brain is the seat of consciousness.
Well, I can go along with that, to an extent.
One of ways that scientists come to that conclusion is by prodding around in brains. Or by examining the behaviour of beings (human beings or other-species beings) with damaged brains. They come to the conclusion that, as behaviour is altered when the brain i altered, this proves that consciousness is a property of the brain.
In other words, there is no need for any theory of consciousness as separate from the brain, and certainly no need to postulate a soul or spirit that inhabits the brain/body.
Scientists can prove that the brain 'generates' consciousness, because they can manipulate different parts of the brain, and show predictable results. If we mess around with one part of the brain, then the sense of social conscience is lost. If we mes around with another part of the brain, the ability to recognise faces is lost, etc.
This is taken to mean that these parts of the brain 'are responsible for' these aspects of our conscious being. The whole thing is wrapped up, and no further thought need be given to it. The so called consciousness is just a illusion created by the way thee varous parts of the brain interact. Its just electrical impulses, nothing more.
I have a box on desk that talks to me.
There is a voice coming from the box, so, it makes sense that the voice comes from within the box.
I open the box up to see, and there are a complex system of wiring and weird shaped things.
I finda few bits that move. When I move them, the voice changes. When I move one thing, the voice gets louder or quieter. When I move another, the voice changes to music, or to a different voice. Maybe to a strange voice talking about 'Dogger, Backing South 5 to 7'!
If I mess around with some of the other parts, I sometimes et screeching and howling. If I mess about to much, it dies.
It's quite obvious that this voice originates from the complicated machinery in the box.
Of course, it doesn't. And we all know I'm describing a radio. Funny thing is, someone from a couple of hundred years ago might reach these conclusions, and a modern scientist might scoff at them or not understanding radio waves.
Of course, the way a radio works is that there is a field permeating the space all around us, and tis field is called 'electromagnetic radiation', or radio waves. The radio is just receiving equipment. It 'tunes in' to the electromagnetic field, and as a consequence, manifests sounds.
Different radios can be tuned to different channels, and even radios tuned to the same channel sound different. Some are louder, some quieter, some are hi-fidelity, some are 'cheap trannies', these days, some are digital!
The same thing is happening in the brain.
Space is infused with another field, called 'consciousness', or 'Brahman', or 'God'. Same difference.
Brains are receiving equipment for consciousness. This is so obvious to anyone but a scientist!
Some receptors are very good. Some receptors give a perfectly clear reception of the true nature of the consciousness field. Our Guru is one such.
Some receptors are less good. Some add their own 'colouration' to the field. The nature of the equipment influences how the field is manifest. Like a radio that has too much bass, or is too 'tinny'.
Some receptors give a great deal of distortion. Such as criminals and those who are so called 'evil'.
Some give quite a clear sound, but somehow lose all the subtlety and nuance. You can tell the equipment is receiving, but you can't make out quite what is being received. Such are animals and Liverpudlians (JOKE! :-).
Some objects are permeated by the field, but barely pick it up at all. Such are trees and mountains, planets and stars.
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