Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Theory of Emergence

Continuing with my theme of pointing out where great scientists with PhD's coming out of their ears are going wrong...

One of the most accepted theories of consciousness in science at the moment is that it is simply an 'emergent feature'.

The idea is that the brain is simply so complex, that the illusion of consciousness simply emerges from the complexity. Again, a bit like the idea of a whirlpool emerging from a flowing river. The whirlpool isn't real in a great sense, it just 'emerges' from the complexity of the forces of the flowing water.

So this idea of emergent consciousness says that there really is no 'I'. There is no self at all, and the fact that we think we exist is just a complex activity of the brain that simply springs forth from its inherent nature. Consciousness, even beingness, is simply an illusion brought forth by the nature of the way matter behaves.

Well, yet again, they have it nearly right.

In fact, the brain is an emergent feature of consciousness.

The universe is an emergent feature of consciousness.

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