We'll gloss over that for now, and address it another time.
We're all in a room. It's a very big room, and very high. We spend our lives wandering around, and most of us never even realise we are in a room. It's so vast, we think everything is ok, be cause we never meet the limits imposed on us by the walls. Most people simply don't see the walls.
Some of us do.
Some of us encounter a part of the wall that contains us. Some of those bump off the wall, and choose to pretend to not notice. They wander back into the room, and maybe don't encounter the wall again for a long time.
Some others spend some time frowning at the wall, scratching their heads, then kind of carry on wandering, but keep the wall in view, off in the distance. They get the feeling it's important, but just not right now.
Some others meet the wall and wonder what lies beyond.
These people often spend more and more of their time approaching the wall, probing, examining. Sometimes they may find a small, dirty window, and through the window, they may see tantalising glimpses of a bright beyond. Some become intrigued by the wall. The wall becomes a big part of their lives, and examining and exploring the wall becomes a regular occurrence. For some it becomes their primary purpose.
Sometimes, someone finds steps.
The steps are treated the same as the wall. Some ignore them, some start to climb. But climbing is hard, and many give up.
Some though, are driven, and think this must be the way over the wall!
So they climb. And the climbing becomes harder. The stairs steepen, the steps narrow, and eventually, its almost like trying to climb the wall itself. It's slippery, and difficult. But to some it's also rewarding, and these press on.
Sometimes, on very, very rare occasions, someone on these steps encounters a fine golden thread, hanging down the inside of the wall. Many people ignore the thread, thinking it is just another vine, another creeper growing on the wall.
But some people look up. And those that choose to look up see that the wall is terribly high. The sides are smooth, like glass. It's virtually mpossible to climb. But there, in the farthest distance, there is a light. A beautiful, glowing light at the end of the fine thread hanging down the wall.
And as the eyes become clear and accustomed to the glare, what we see is our Guru waiting patiently, holding out the thread of gold, simply waiting for us to take hold.
You can read a greaqt deal of wisdom concerning the Guru in Satsangi's wonder full book Light on the Guru and Disciple Relationship
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