Sunday, 6 February 2011

MADYA Seminar - Sanyassi Vimuktananda

Yesterday was a MADYA seminar day.
I'm the Membership Secretary for MADYA, so I go to all of their events. Usually, though, I sit outside in the hallway and do my own practice. MADYA is agnostic, and covers many forms of Yoga and other stuff, like Chi Gong.
I'm really not interested in other stuff any more, though, and have no interest in joining in with the various flavours of Yoga event MADYA puts on.
But yesterday was run by Sanyassin Vimuktananda from Satyananda Yoga North, so I joined in as much as I could. Unfortunately, a combination of a stinkingly hot room, and a rather congested set of sinuses, meant i had to keep popping out just to get some air.
However, as is always the case with Satyananda Yoga events, it was right up my street.
Vimukta put on a great day, with many people afterwards saying how much they liked it.
Pity I couldn't do more. My daily practice has also been badly affected by a head cold. It's nuisance, but I think it's better to spend my energy fighting the col, so practice is on hold for a few days.

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