32. But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and misunderstand everything, become lost and are the cause of their own suffering.Taking these one at a time...
33. All beings act according to their own nature, even the wise. Why try to force anything to be otherwise?
34. It is natural for the sense o be attracted to that which is pleasant and to reject the unpleasant, but you must not come under the power of these two forces, because they are your enemies.
35. It is better to perform your own duty imperfectly, than someone else's perfectly. In fact, it is better to die in ones own duty, because following someone else's path is dangerous.
32. But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and misunderstand everything, become lost and are the cause of their own suffering.This pretty much speaks for itself, but is perhaps worth adding some emphasis.
Become the cause of their own suffering.
Noone else. Nothing else, is the cause of our suffering, but ourselves.
We are each, individually, the cause of our own personal individual suffering.
And the cause of this suffering is that we forget, or are ignorant of, this teaching of the Gita: that everything that is in the manifest world is just the interaction of forces with other forces, again interacting with other forces...
Our suffering come because, not realising that we have no impact on the world, and the world has no impact on us, we imagine that the leaf swept along by the currents of the river, swirled by turbulence and bashed on the rocks, is who we are. We forget that we are actually the serene bird in the tree, simply observing the leaf with dispassionate compassion.
33. All beings act according to their own nature, even the wise. Why try to force anything to be otherwise?Why try to force anything to be otherwise? Notice the 'try', ad the 'force'. We make heavy work for ourselves when we fight against what the world gives us. We can try all we want, we will not change a thing.
If we see change, and we believe it is as a consequence of our actions, that is also a delusion. Whatever happened was going to happen anyway.
If we choose not to act, so meaning it doesn't happen, then that is what was going to happen anyway.
34. It is natural for the sense to be attracted to that which is pleasant and to reject the unpleasant, but you must not come under the power of these two forces, because they are your enemies.It seems the most thing in the world. Indeed in it's essence, it is the very basis of the survival instinct. Reject what is bad, accept what is good.
Te important thing here is 'you must not come under the power'.
It does not say 'you must ignore your instinct'. If something is bad, move away from it. Don't be affected by it. Don't feel fear or revulsion. Observe the bad situation, take it for what it is: forces of nature acting on other forces of nature, in such a way that you don't wish to be around them. See them, and move away.
If you can't move away, then its because you are an essential part of that particular pattern, working itself out. Bear with it. See it still as forces of nature acting other forces of nature. Recognise yourself not as the leaf in the wind, but as the observer of the leaf. See what comes, and, as the saying goes, roll with it.
It's at this point that most people say 'that's easier said than done'!
Of course it is.
Nobody said it would be easy.
But what do you want?
Do you want to get embroiled in the turbulence, forget your true nature as the unperturbed devine spirit, and just go with it being a horrible situation, and cause yourself more strife y struggling against forces so much ore vast than the puny leaf on the mighty river?
Or do you want to at least try to let go?
Do you want to at least make an effort to step back, take a breath and identify yourself with that still small voice?
The longer you use 'easier said than done' as an excuse for not doing, the longer it will be before you, personally, stop saying an start doing!
But that's okay too, because that also is already decided.
35. It is better to perform your own duty imperfectly, than someone else's perfectly. In fact, it is better to die in ones own duty, because following someone else's path is dangerous.Hmmm.
Might save this one for tomorrow...
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