I was driving home tonight, and suddenly, the windscreen of the car became my eye.
I was looking out through the windscreen, just as I look out through my eyes. The car was my body.
I realised that I had climbed into the car, just as I climbed into my body of flesh.
It was just another layer.
I was existing in Toyotamaya Kosha!
I put on the body of steel and rubber, oil and petrol, and I wore it and controlled it for as long as it was useful. It got me home, and then I climbed out of it.
I dropped my Toyotamaya kosha.
I didn't mind.
If I need to travel some more, I can put it back on. Or another one.
Some people become very attached to their Toyotamaya kosha, and if it gets damaged, it upsets them. They might even wince or cry.
But really, they know it's just a shell. Just a tool for getting around. But as long as they have their Toyota (or Ford, or BMW) maya kosha, they feel a great deal of attachment to it.
When it comes time to part with this vehicle for the last time, and send it to the scrap heap, there may be a little tear, a feeling of fond memories. But we move onto our next car, and the old one is soon forgotten.
It's so easy to drop your Toyotamaya kosha.
And it's just as easy to drop your Annamaya kosha.
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