You can find this with my translation here.
Some of hese verses actually from Sri Guru Gita, one of the many Gitas that accompanies the famous one, such as Ashtavakra Gita, Avadhoota Gita.
Sri Guru Gita is in itself quite delightful. Some of the verses of Guru Gita come from verses 67 to 76 (at least in the version I have!). What we know as the first vers (Akhanda mandala kharam) is verse 67.
The premise of Guru Gita is that Parvati has asked Siva, seated on mount Kailas: Tell me by which path a human being can become one with the Absolute. Shivas reply is: The Absolute is no different from the Guru.
Shiva then goes on to expound the glories of the guru. In verse 66, He says: I will now tell you the theme on which one should always contemplate. The next few verses contain several from Guru Stotram.
Some other verses are not oresent in Guru Stotram, but are just as beautiful. Here are a few:
83. Guroh kripaa prasaadena
Brahma Vishnu Sdaashivaaha
Samarthaah prabhvaadau cha
kevalam Gurusevayaa
Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva acquired their cosmic potencies by the Guru's Grace. They attained all power only through service to the Guru.
35. Tvam pitaa tvam cha me maataa
tvam bandhustvam cha devataa
Samsaara pratibodhaartham
tasmai shree Gurave namaha
You are my father, my mother, you are my family, you are my God. Salutations to the Guru, imparter of true knowledge.
43. Yadanghri kamala dvamdvamAnd os it goes on.
damdva taapa nivaarakam
Taarakam sarvada apadabhyah
Sree Gurum pranamaamyaham
Salutations to the Guru whose lotus feet eradicate the anguish of all dualities and help us to cross all misfortunes and calamities.
I've got these transaltions from a littel edition of Guru Gita that acquired some years ago from t'internet, transalted by Dr V. V. B. Rama Rao, and published by Richa Prakashan.
You can buy it here for a very small sum.
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