Sunday, 10 April 2011

March/April Meeting

Well, the March/April meeting went ahead last night. There were six of us in all and it was a good session, I think.
I hadn't had much time to give thought to the Gita verses, and there wasn't rally much discussion about them, as I don't think anyone else had either.
The event took place in the evening of a MADYA seminar (Pornamurti and I are on the MADYA committee), and it left us in a bit of a rush to arrange everything.
The events are small but very enjoyable. I'd like to see a few more people ideally...


  1. i would very much like to contact you and attend one of your meetings. is that possible for you to give a email contact or a facebook page where i could contact you and give my details? thanks , Namaskar

  2. Hi,
    You would be most welcome!
    You can contact me at:
    You can also find more details here:
    and here:
    Looking forwards to making contact!
    Namo Narayan!


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Hari Om!